How does Gmail in G Suite differ from free Gmail? Print

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Using free Gmail for your business communications may limit the potential growth of your business and could open you up to data security and legal vulnerabilities that you can easily avoid with G Suite.

By moving to G Suite  you can unlock the full potential of Gmail and its other applications. 

the most noticeable difference when comparing G Suite email to Gmail is the use of personalized domain names.

Using the free service of Gmail will give you an email address what looks like this – which is perfectly acceptable for personal use. But G Suite allows businesses to use a custom domain name that is more relevant to the business such as

The latter email address definitely has a more professional look compared to its free Gmail counterpart, and using a custom domain name can reduce the risk of your email landing in a spam folder. 

Clients are inclined to choose a company that uses a business email address compared to the ones that don’t. 

Another big difference between G Suite or Gmail for business email is its storage capacity. Free Gmail offers only 15GB of inbox storage while G Suite basic offers 30GB per user.



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