Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Registries Print

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Domain registrations may be done through one of two different types of top-level domain registries: synchronous and asynchronous.

A synchronous registry allows you to register and make changes to domain names in ‘real time’. The server responds to client requests immediately, with either confirmation of the

expected change or an error message explaining why it didn’t work.

Asynchronous registries accept requests from the client, but the requests are reviewed before any change is made. This requires that a ‘wait state’ exist, wherein Resellers and end

users are aware that they have made a request, but are waiting for the registry to actually make the change. In these cases, the system will be updated and notification is sent to the Reseller to confirm that the change has been made.

Processing time for asynchronous registries varies by registry, for example, registrations can usually be completed in less than five minutes; however, it can take longer based on

circumstances beyond our control. As a result, it is important to set realistic expectations with users when they place orders with you.

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